Thursday, October 22, 2009

Is it too late to ask?

I wish I had thought to send out a questionnaire to all candidates. I would have asked the following questions and for the reasons stated.

1. Do you reside in the ward which you seek to represent? If you have to drive over the same craters (euphemistically call pot holes) that I do perhaps you will be more inclined to get them fixed. And if you are drinking the same water I am, maybe you'll want to ensure that its safe. Or that parks are available for neighbourhood kids so your babes have a place to play.

2. How would you vote on charging for garbage? This item is not dead. It has been put into a coma until after the election. I already pay substantial taxes for garbage collection. I don't want people hoarding garbage in their backyards because they can't or don't want to pay. And I don't want the resulting problems of rodents that would come with it. Nor do I want to pay for 'garbage police' to try and track down who dumped their garbage wherever.

3. How would you vote on increasing the city's debt? The reason is obvious. I would allow for a list of exemptions - needs vs. wants.

4. Would you sign an undated letter of resignation that could be dated and submitted to council if you break your election promises? I would accept no two-stepping on this answer. Yes or No.


  1. I did not know that councilors could represent outside the ward they live in. Are there currently any councilors who are currently representing outside their wards?

    Does an issue such as this never come up during an election?

    I can only imagine the outcry if the NDP tried to run an outsider for Premiere....oh wait Dwight kinda is an Albertan. Maybe try, if the Liberals tried running and outsider for PM.....oh wait Ignatieff is kinda an ex-pat.

  2. Moe Neault does not live in his ward. Charlie Clark does not live in his ward. Bob Pringle does not live in his ward.
    Glen Penner does not live in his ward.

    Clearly shameful - I agree with Elaine on this one!

  3. Definitely, all those Ward 6 residents up in arms over Mr. Clark living across the river, its going to be interesting to see who beats him out this time....oh wait....never mind, I guess that it really doesn't matter after all...

  4. I totally agree. Our ward councillors should live in the ward they reside in. I dont think its a question of people not caring, but rather they assume those running live in the ward. Not much value in a ward system if your representatives dont livein the ward. I think it should be mandatory for candidates to run in their own ward. I cant vote in a ward I dont live in, so why should I be allowed to run in a ward I dont reside in??

  5. I was advised that Sean Shaw is also not a resident in Ward 4 where he is running. Thanks PJ2 I hadn't thought about the voting issue. I suspect out-of-ward candidates try to hide their residency as they know it would not endear them to ward voters. However, the onus is on the voter to know about the candidate.

  6. There is already a system in place to ensure individuals who break their election promises are punished and that is for voters to not re-elected them. No need to make the current government even bigger and more wasteful with nutjob proposals.

  7. How about having a candidate know that they are supposed to represent their ward and not the political parties that they are members of.

    Too bad Carol Reynolds puts her membership in the Devine party ahead of her support for station 20 west.

  8. The Devine party? You are either a frustrated NDPer or should be congratulated on your recovery from a rather long coma.

  9. History reveals that politicians break promises all the time and rely on the fact that the majority of voters have short memories - or that they can create a diversion come re-election time. Political fanatics would vote for the devil incarnate if he held membership in their party as was recently proven at the NDP.

  10. I agree with respect to Carol Reynolds - her facebook and website are full of pictures of her with Stephen Harper. I really couldn't care less who she supports - but throwing this in the voters face is inappropriate - someone with this level of bad judgment should not be on City Council.

  11. Elaine are you really going that low and pathetic? I mean just because you were a failed politician does not mean you have strike out in anger at those who were a little more talented then you such as Charlie Clark or Tiffany Paulsen.

  12. So nice of Anon to poke jabs at the Mistress when they wont even take the time to set up an alias. If you want to keep posting maybe get a user name. As for the Mistress' electoral prowess I would have to remind Anon she not only served our city as a councilor but was also on the Public School Board for years. A group that takes more money out of your pocket than the city ever will. And I must add kept a keen eye on our tax dollars. Thanks Mistress for your years of service. As for Charlie Clarke (BTW Tiffany P is one of the best on council and should be lumped in with Chuckie Cheese) the fact he was acclaimed speaks more to the "Red Machine's" efforts in the last election than his voting history on Council. Thanks Aunt Nettie!

  13. I think Tiffany Paulsen is a very good councillor. She's smart, effective, decisive and exhibits good common sense. If I had the privilege of voting for her I would.

    As for Mr. Clark the only thing I can remember him taking a position on is when he stated in budget debates that council should go for a higher mill rate than proposed and then everyone could have everything they wanted. And I would say he probably does reflect the opinions of the majority of his ward.

  14. I would assume nobody running against either Charlie or Tiffany has more to do with residents of the ward being happy enough with the representation they have receieved. As Charlie was elected in the last election over an incumbent who was no longer liked.

    I mean I can take petty jabs just as easily as the blog owner.

  15. Now that I have your attention. I don't agree that a piece of paper with someones name on it is good enough. I would ask that we use a process of the right to recall. Where if 60% of the eligible voters in the ward sign a petition to kick them out of office you have a new election and the ward would have the costs added to their property taxes. Democracy costs baby.

    The fact that someone doesn't need to be from the ward is an oversight of the system when it was adopted. We need to change this and soon, so I for one, will be trying to get it done by the next time we go to the poles. I read a survey recently that 61% of those polled believe it to be important. Hope they get out to vote and know who is from the ward.

    I doubt the new Councilors would ever think they could start charging for a garbage service that is garbage. After the outcry from the public on front street pickup they don't have any support to change things.

  16. Anon.. Please if jabs were meant for you it would be like swinging in the dark. If Charlie wasn't being backed by the NDP in a NDP stronghold he wouldn't have a leg to stand on. His record at council is one of changing his mind every second. I recall one meeting where he spoke on one side oif an issue and voted with those on the other side. Look at what he's voted for not what he campaigned on that's for sure. My question is why doesn't he run in the area he lives in??? Oh wait could it be he couldn't or wouldn't get support from his own family. What a joke.

  17. Grizz, Civic Mistres; Auntie Nettie? Please tell me this is not who I think it is. With Charlie acclaimed, Darren or Carol and Sean a possible I think one should consider a move to Ward 1 30% of councilors from 1 ward, not bad, is there any more candidates from Ward 1 running somewhere.

  18. Grizz, if people were not happy with Charlie they would have run against them! If his residency was an issue people would run against him but oh wait the only two people complaining is you and the person he beat to get elected.

  19. Talk about a slip of the tongue "run against THEM"??? is this an admission by Anon that it wasn't Charlie that someone would be running against but the whole Red Army??

  20. I don't even care that the NDP have infiltrated civic politics. More power to them -- literally -- for being very strategic in their planning and organized in their approach.

    What's irritating is the "who-me?" denials they insist on making.

    Okay, you have your machine pushing left-leaning candidates into civic office. So you have a provincial organization of professional political hacks streamrolling over local amateurs. Sure, it's a little unseemly for civic politics, but there's nothing illegal about it.

    Just be above board with it. If you're sneaky now, we know you'll be sneaky if you ever form the government again.

  21. wow,sounds an awful lot like sour grapes. Im not in favour of partisan politics entering civic elections, but if these cadidates can get support from their political friends ...why not? Its not necessarily a machine behind them ,its simply using their contacts. If you are involved in political, business or community organizations...then why not utilize your contacts for support??

  22. Yeah, cause Charlie really needs so much support since he is facing how many challengers? Oh wait none....


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