Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Dunkin' in downtown

Didn't anyone tell the Tim Horton's people that the city is building a new Saskatoon City Police Station, and if memory serves me correct, at a new location?

My first reaction to the article in today's SP (July 14/10) on the likely opening of a Tim Horton's shop in the Saskatoon Square was the lack of parking or the ability to establish a drive-thru. But if downtown Saskatoon is destined to become a pedestrian /biking zone it won't matter.

Perhaps its a short term lease and when the city puts the naming rights up for the new Police Station, Tim and the gang will share more than a symbiotic identity with police.

All kidding aside, its great to see a thriving business move into the downtown.


  1. just trying to post and nothing??

  2. I love the idea just think Tim Horton's Centre or "THC" for short. Just think of the irony of them having that acronym.


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