Monday, February 13, 2012

Does anyone care?

Saturday's SP (Feb. 11/12) reported further delays on the opening of Lorne Avenue and the negative impact on the small businesses affected by the closure. The city offers its empathy, but empathy doesn't pay their bills.

I live in this area and haven't seen anyone working around the site in months, although we have had a very mild winter. We haven't had heavy snowfall and should not expect excess water from melt. We have been boxed in for years as a result of the Traffic Bridge closure, the lift station development and closure of Lorne Avenue due to the South bridge construction. Our side streets have been chewed up as a result of detoured traffic.

It think its time for less empathy and more action.

1 comment:

  1. Boo Hoo Mistress,

    I wonder if the same businesses will be complaining once the interchange at Lorne is completed and they benefit from the increased traffic.


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