Friday, October 16, 2009

Just plain nuts

During campaigns candidates sometimes make inane statements or accusations, and sadly some of the electorate actually believe them. These candidates are the scary people. They will say or do anything to obtain and/or maintain power; and those who lust for power should never have it. At every level of government elected representatives must look first to the whole community which they govern, and secondly be an advocate for the needs of their constituency/ward.

For Ward 1 candidate Sean Shaw to state at a forum that incumbent Myles Heidt hasn't spent enough in his ward tells me Mr. Shaw is either willfully uninformed or deluded. Over the last couple of terms hundreds of millions of dollars have been spent on the west side of the river, much of which would benefit Ward 4 residents. Two high schools, an Olympic-sized pool and community centre, big box shopping development, the Pleasant Hill project, and the list goes and I get sicker thinking of the growing debt. Not enough money being spent?

Globally others were suffering the pains of a recession while Saskatoon seemed under a bubble and immune from the recession. We enjoyed city and job growth. And we suffered growing pains. There was a rental housing shortage. The city has invested substantial money to assist and encourage the development of low income housing. Opinions differ as to which level of government is actually responsible for development of this housing. I digress.

I assume Mr. Shaw is NDP because only they would see prosperity as a negative. The old cliche "laugh or you'll cry" can't apply here. This is too sad to laugh about. It is not absurd. It is simply just plain nuts!!


  1. Too bad ward 1 is between Darren Hill and Carol Reynolds.

    Ward 4 has seen some of the lowest spending per ward. The fact is that individual like the current Mayor and Myles who are so called "conservatives" have increased debt. Increasing debt is not creating prosperity.

  2. The Star Phoenix used a bad headline, shame on you for believing everything you read.

    Mr. Shaw never said spending was too low in Ward 4. He said that on the doorstep Ward 4 residents have been asking to see more of their tax dollars re-invested back into their own communities for things such as improved infrastructure, better policing, and better city services.

    But of course, if you were actually at the Ward Forum last Thursday you would know that.

  3. Just to underline the first poster's point - it is the Mayor & Heidt - the "Conservatives" - who are big on spending big & flashy, but really bad on spending to support Saskatonians' Quality of Life & essential services. Give your head a shake!


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