Thursday, March 18, 2010

A bird in hand . . .

I sincerely hope that City Council gives serious consideration to the revival of the Lake Placid deal given Karim Nasser's offer to put his money into the project (SP Mr. 18/10). I didn't necessary do cartwheels over the plan itself, but it is great to see someone step forward who does support it and is willing to put their money where their mouth is as opposed to putting our tax dollars up for grabs.

I think it is becoming apparent, after several requests for proposals, that not many developers can come to the table and play. A new request will probably not create any better proposal then in past. If council liked the Lake Placid plan and the money is now in place, then go for it. No need to re-invent the wheel.

I sincerely think there are not many birds left in the bush. Its our money or Nasser's money. I vote Nasser and thank him for his support in this much needed development. Now we just wait for the chirping.


  1. The part of this news that disturbs me are the comments from some councilors that think administration needs to get involved in "re-evaluating" the land cost and the overall proposal. I agree if these guys come to the podium with check in hand. Get running to the bank as soon as possible. Comments such as they want to make sure the project has enough funding to get to completion. What?? They didn't think of this the first and second time around. There is now way anyone around here has that kind of money. As for anyone complaining because they want a shot now . Well come to council Monday and indicate such with your cheque as well then maybe we can get into a bidding war.

  2. Rather than wait a couple more years for a new developer to go through the three levels of approval that the Lake Placid plan has already gone through we should just let Lake Placid and their new partner Victory Majors get on with what developers do well and politicians do poorly.


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