Friday, June 4, 2010

Rainy Day Blues

I'm starting to feel the effects of Sun Deficiency Syndrome. When I scanned my water-logged yard, I thought, oh great, another water rate increase will be coming to compensate for low water usage. It's the city's Rainy Day Fund.

Today's paper announced the opening of city swimming pools. Will the summer students need to bring their own rain gear to the pool? Why are we opening these pools when the kids are still in school and why do we close them while they're still on summer vacation?

My yard is filling with dandelions and thistle. Because of the rain the nearby city lands have not been mowed and chemical weed controls are banned for use on city property. The mosquitoes are starting to come out, so manual weed eradication is becoming less of an option. This means putting chemical on myself to ward to the mosquitoes or chemical on the lawn to ward of the weeds. I like myself better than I like my lawn.

On the upside, my street cleaning has been cancelled for a second time due to weather conditions. Just maybe the tons of elm seeds will be down before they sweep. I never did understand why they cleaned the old areas before the massive deluge of tree refuse was over.

And since I am now starting to sound like my mother, I'm signing off.

Have a good, if not great, weekend.


  1. Mistress I had the same thought on water rates just the other day. For the City to rely on it's utilities to generate extra revenue is terrible financial management.

    The swimming pools open early so they can get extra revenue from schools renting party space and out door ed. Remember elementary school students need a break this time of year before summer holidays. Also as many of those hired over the summer to operate the pools are university students, they are all done now and need to be off by the second week of August to make it back for the Fall term. My only problem is these things are ran as big paddling pools and not for the avid swimmer. I would love to be able to go for a swim out doors before work every morning but oh no we couldn't open them before noon. Right now the indoor pool I use is so busy it is hard to get a decent work-out in.

    As for those dandelions take a look at the fire hall grass, there is never a one, even if they are located next to a park or huge open area. Wonder how a "City" property does that without chemicals.

    As for the lack of street cleaning and the problems with the weather. My questions is "what the hell are they doing if they aren't cleaning any streets?" Is the city paying these guys to sit around and play cards? Even the main streets of our city sit with inches of winter sand on them.

    Mismanagement of City Services is my number one complaint with this new Council. And not a one Councilor is willing to call a spade a spade on any of it.

  2. Grizz, no one on council is willing to say anything because they know that the city unions are integral to their re-election. can't bite the hand of the farmer dumping your feed into the trough.


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