Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Maggots and cow pies

Recently the StarPhoenix issued a special edition magazine on Saskatoon Businesses. In it is a section on local notables entitled "Jobs they won't forget." One such notable is City Councillor Pat Lorje. She reminisces about the times she helped friends who ran a disaster restoration business. On one occasion she was assisting on the clean up of death were the corpse had not been found for weeks and as a result found a dresser drawer crawling with maggots. It was that she said, with a laugh, when she decided "It was time to move on to politics." I'm not sure what this says about her opinion of Ward 2 constituents or her political party of choice, the NDP.

She also recalled, as a councillor, participating in a cow patty throwing contest during Louis Riel Days. She said "Somebody got this bright idea that it would be really great to see politicians actually flinging the stuff rather than just talking it." Out of the mouths of babes?

I don't always give Lorje credit for much, but she gets A+ for a good sense of humour!


  1. ...she still gets a D- for her political track record.

    In all seriousness though, when will the NDP wise up and start booting these old political hacks, for example Link and Lorje, and get some candidates that represent where Saskatchewan is heading.

    I mean, doesn't the party have their version of Brad Wall: a young, well spoken, educated, business savvy and engaging person? I know several people which fit that description that have their views aligned with the left but not involved with the party.

    Is it because the old boys union members and fanatics have overtaken the party and driven out any voice of reason? I mean for an emerging province the face of Calvert/Link doesn't seem to fit (without trying to be an ageist).

    Seriously Lefties, do you have no decent candidates that you are forced to rerun Link? Where is the hope from the NDP?

  2. Last time I checked Lorje had cut ties with the NDP.

  3. She is Oranger than a pumpkin

  4. Soooooooo.....even Lorjy as bailed on Big Orange, things must be bleaker for the communists than I thought.

    Does this mean we can expect to see that raving delusional lunatic Joe Kutcha as the next party leader? I'm sure the union thugs and fanatics would love that.

  5. It was that she said, with a laugh, when she decided "It was time to move on to politics." I'm not sure what this says about her opinion of Ward 2 constituents or her political party of choice, the NDP.

    Maybe she felt that after smelling that corpse, she could handle the stench of the mudslinging that goes on in politics.

  6. ha, though I'm not a big fan of Lorje's, I think Ghostryder nailed it and Elaine proved the point with her random mudslinging.

  7. The stench of mudslinging like Link does?


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